FOGSI invites Research Paper / Thesis on "Any subject in Obstetrics & Gynaecology" for the Dr.R.D.Pandit Research Prize for the year 2023. 

Terms & Conditions for Dr.R.D.Pandit Research Paper / Thesis prize are as follows : (Without proof we can not accept your application.)

  • The Prize is open to FOGSI member and to the Registered Medical Graduates of Statutory Universities in India or any equivalent qualifications from Foreign Universities recognised by the Medical Council of India, as per up to date Schedules, and within ten years of his / her graduation (Proof to be furnished for year of MBBS Graduation and University).
  • The Research Paper / Thesis should be forwarded to FOGSI Office alongwith Candidate’s Name, Designation, detailed address, duly certified by the person under whom the research work has been carried out, countersigned by the Head of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, and also the Head of the Institution.
  • Any Research Work / Thesis, that is already published in Medical Journal presented to
    recognised University as Dissertation, or presented elsewhere shall not be considered for the said prize
  • (Warranty attached).
  • The Research Work / Thesis, should be original and all illustrations, diagrams, tables etc., should have been prepared by the candidates himself / herself.  The candidate should be the Principal author.
  • The accepted Research Paper / Thesis shall be the property of the FOGSI.
  • The Research Paper / Thesis will be returned, if not accepted, provided return postage expenses are paid in advance by the candidate concerned.
  • The Research / Thesis will be evaluated by a Panel of minimum three judges appointed by the FOGSI Managing Committee (Unanimous or majority decision will prevail).  In the award of the Prize to the successful candidate, the decision of the said Panel of Judges shall be final and binding on all the competitors.  The successful candidate will be informed at least one month before the scheduled All India Obstetric & Gynaecological Conference to enable him / her to receive the said prize.
  • The Prize will be awarded at the time of the Valedicatory function of the All India Obstetric & Gynaecological Congress.
  • FOGSI will request the successful competitor to present highlights of his / her research paper / thesis for about 15 minutes at one of the Scientific sessions during the All India Obstetric & Gynaecological Congress. Hon. Secretary General, FOGSI will inform the Organising Secretary of the AICOG that the Prize winner be accommodated in the Scientific sessions of the said Congress, with specific mention of the said presentation in the Scientific programme.
  • FOGSI reserves the right not to award the Prize in the event of entry / entries received which are not of requisite standard.
  • In case FOGSI does not receive any Research Paper / Thesis from Competitors on subject of  their own choice during any particular year, the FOGSI Managing Committee may decide upon any two subjects, one Obstetric and another Gynaec. (Which are announced through our Journal and circulars to memberbodies), and on any one of the topics the competitors should send their Research Paper / Thesis.
  • This Research Prize is awarded annually.

Prize :
The Prize of Rs. 5,000/- with a certificate will be presented to the prize winner at the time of the valedictory function of the All India Obstetric & Gynaecological Congress. 

Last Date :
The Soft copy of Research Paper / Thesis must be reach the FOGSI Office, on or before 31.7.2023.