Working towards Website Aims and Objects

  • To provide a contemporary channel for engagement and involvement with FOGSI’s membership.
    • The website will work to be a single portal access to information about FOGSI’s structure, function and activities for member societies as well as individual members.
    • It will do this in tandem with other channels and the websites of the official arms of FOGSI – ICOG and JOGI.
    • It will carry announcements of FOGSI conferences and meetings and details of all FOGSI schemes.
  • To increase transparency and encourage an understanding of FOGSI’s structure and function.
    • The website will have sections dedicated to listing and explaining FOGSI’s governance and administrative structure and function.
    • It will post up to date Administrative Guidelines related to both FOGSI and the FOGSI Website in a spirit of transparency.
  • To provide a medium which members can actively access and update knowledge and clinical skills on subjects relevant to contemporary practice.
    • The website will endeavor to be an easily accessible source for clinically relevant information by inviting academic articles.
    • It will use selected monthly features to cover a variety of subjects of contemporary importance.
    • It has resources that will be of interest to clinicians and postgraduate students alike.
  • To advocate FOGSI’s positions on women’s health issues and reproductive health and rights.
    • The website will carry the FOGSI – ICOG Good Clinical Practice Recommendations.
    • It will also present positions taken by FOGSI on women’s issues and reproductive health and rights.
  • To document and share information about FOGSI’s activities, contributions and achievements.
    • The website will report on FOGSI’s academic activities including conferences and public service activities including projects and yatras.
    • It will document and share videos and photographs of these events.