FOGSI invites Research Paper / thesis on ‘Reproductive Endocrinology’ for FOGSI – Dr. Nimish R. Shelat Research Award.

The Terms & Conditions:

  1. The Research award is open to all the members of the Societies affiliated to the FOGSI.
  2. There is no age limit for this award.
  3. The research must be an original work of the candidate, duly certified by the Head of the Department / Institution and endorsed by the President / Secretary of the Society.
  4. The scope of research must encompass any area within the reproductive endocrinology.
  5. Except for the application, the copies sent, should not bear the name and the address of the candidate or that of the institution.
  6. If the entries are not as per the accepted standards of the award committee, the FOGSI reserves the right not to award the research award and to carry it forward for the next year (for two awards).
  7. The award will consist of a plaque, a certificate and a cash prize of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand) each.
  8. The Office Bearers of FOGSI are also eligible for this award. No Awardee can apply again for the same.
  9. The award would be presented at the time of valedictory session of the All India Congress of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (AICOG), with a time slot provided to the candidate to present the research work in any relevant session of AICOG, as decided by the organizers & FOGSI.
  10. The applications (in soft copy) must be received by July 31, 2023 by the FOGSI office.