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AS ON 17.08.2018
- KAPL is having production capacity of approx. 1.80 Lac ampoules per day, accordingly, around 54 Lac ampoules per month which is adequate to meet the current demand of the country.
- KAPL has further planned to enhance production capacity by converting existing vial line in to combo line of Ampoule & Vial which will give further 1.4 Lac Ampoules per day. Therefore, KAPL is likely to produce 3.2 Lac Ampoules per day w.e.f November,2018 against National requirement of approx. 1.6 Lac ampoules per day.
- Domestic requirement of Inj. Oxytocin is approximately 6 Cr. Ampoules considering approximate Birth rate of 2.8 Cr per annum as informed by MOHFW (though, all births are not taking place in Hospitals/ Nursing Homes/ Clinics). Presently, KAPL is operating at full capacity, and till date have manufactured & despatched 21.25 Lacs ampoules, to various parts of the country, through its C&F Agents, Stockists and Distributors. (Details enclosed in Annexure-2)
- From 1st July 2018 to till date,( despatches started from 30th July’18) KAPL have already despatched approx. 21.25 Lakh ampoules out of which, more than 8.12 Lac ampoules have already been sold in the Public/ private Hospitals/ Nursing Homes/ Clinics, (7.29 Lac ampoules are catered to Private Hospitals/ Nursing Homes/ Clinics & Distributors and balance 83000 to Govt. Hospitals and balance stock available with CFA,s and HO.
- Stocks under testing – 19 Lac Ampoules.
- Every day filling of Inj. Oxytocin – 1.80 Lac Ampoules.
- Every day despatches to Branches across the Country- Average- 1.70 Lac Ampoules. ( Approximately- 51 Lac Ampoules per month)
- Monthly National requirement – Approx – 48 Lac Ampoules.
- At current rate of despatches, from 17th Aug’18 to 31st Aug’18, further 24 Lac Ampoules will be made available to the market.